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The Clone Warrior

Hello Everyone!  Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!

I hope everyone who celebrates today is having a wonderful time with their families. We at Stars End are reflecting on all the things we have to be thankful for, not least of which is the support from all of you that has allowed our little family business to thrive in the past few years. Your support helps the Starkiller family make it day in and day out in NYC and allows me to continue to participate in community-with so many great friends—year after year.

Tomorrow will be an exciting day on because we'll be launching a new Laser Sword.  The Clone Warrior is a replica of one of those mystery props from Hollywood urban legends. Like missing endings to your favorite films. Like alternate versions on 70mm, with different sound tracks. This prop replica is from an alternate reality, Space Fantasy, one that was meant to be in 2003 but ended up on the cutting room floor.

The story goes, in 2003 when George was planning on how to wrap his sequel trilogy, he initially planned to have a sub-plot in Revenge, where General McGregor loses his Phantom Clones lightsaber and replaces it by building his New Hope saber on screen.  When I initially heard this—before Revenge was released—I was incredibly excited to see a lightsaber-building scene. I imagined it so many times in anticipation of the film's release. Alas, it was not to be. The subplot was dropped, and that's why you never saw the Phantom and Clones saber on screen in Revenge. However, we do have some BTS images showing this style of saber on set, and we know about the prop used in these scenes from the recent Nick Gillard prop auctions on Propstore and from the sabers that have toured with the traveling exhibits in recent years.  

So, a few years back, with the help of some friends on the RPF, I set out to design and produce this mystery prop (which fans call the salt shaker due to its idiosyncratic emitter design) and offer it up in a very limited run to the RPF community.  If you missed it, you can follow the development thread here.

Thanks so much for all the help of the board.  I especially want to thank Dewy for doing his amazing overlays and photo analysis for me. 

Finally, after a couple of years of development and production, we're ready to go.

Check out the video breakdown I did with my buddy Halliwax.

Tomorrow, you'll be able to buy this mystery laser sword, which we're calling the Clone Warrior—since, story-wise it was meant to be the General's saber between Clones and Revenge. The hilt will come as a kit, machined from aluminum, brass, and copper. It is fully installable with hidden holes for blade retention. It is a 100% accurate replica of the Revenge prop.

But if you are more partial to how this style saber looked when it appeared in Clones, I'm also including a conversion kit (consisting of an alternate emitter, an alternate pommel cap, an alternate female knurl red button, and alternate LED bezels), which will allow you to display your hilt in Clones configuration. 

Here is the Revenge model mapped onto the Clones model to show how it matches the Clones prop in modified configuration. 

So, it's a two-for!

You can see where I showed off the kit while at the Collector's Outpost

The hilt goes on sale at 5 p.m. EST. AtStarsEnd.comIt will cost $265.00 plus $20 shipping in the USA and $30 shipping internationally.

It's fully cnc'd from 6061 aluminum, copper, and brass buttons, found parts steel chrome led bezels and new production old tooling Covertec belt wheels. There are four different emitter caps and three different pommels for fx-ing, sound venting, and alternate accurate configurations. It will require some basic hobby skills for assembly.

Halliwax has done an instructional video for assembly. You can find it here

Also, you might want to look through the shop when you get there. The Starkiller family has been going through all the closets in our apartment and finding one or two out-of-production laser sword kits from the past few years tucked away behind the shoes. Mrs. Starkiller wants them out of the house!  So you might find a kit that you missed out on to be back on our virtual shelves.


If you want to reference the images I used for designing this kit, when assembling and finishing your own. Here they are

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